Monday Minyan
Join for this soulful and brief service. For Zoom link, click here to register
Join for this soulful and brief service. For Zoom link, click here to register
In person. Relax your nervous system, energize your body, and awaken the soul through a powerful, fluid dance repertoire set to world music. Participants are encouraged to listen to, feel and move to the music, either by following the moves offered, or tuning into themselves. It incorporates yoga...
Zoom only. Join us for a beautiful, uplifting service marking the beginning of Shabbat. -- For Zoom link, click here to register
Join for this soulful and brief service. For Zoom link, click here to register
In person. Relax your nervous system, energize your body, and awaken the soul through a powerful, fluid dance repertoire set to world music. Participants are encouraged to listen to, feel and move to the music, either by following the moves offered, or tuning into themselves. It incorporates yoga...
On Zoom. Bring your lunch and join us as we introduce a fascinating member of our community. Speakers to be announced. -- Zoom registration link coming soon
In person. Interested in learning to play mah jongg or finding players? Cash donation of $5 to play, $15 for a lesson. Coffee, tea and snacks available. Please register or let us know your interest by completing this form. Hosted by the Sisterhood of East End Temple.
In person only. Join Rabbi Josh in the EET library for quiet reflection, followed by birthday blessings, the recitation of Mi Shebeirach, and the Mourner’s Kaddish. This is an offering specifically for adults, to meet the needs of those who prefer a more mellow Shabbat service instead of...
IN PERSON AND ONLINE. Join us the first Friday of each month as we welcome Shabbat with music and stories for all ages! We will start with a pre-neg snack before services at 5:45pm, and begin singing together to welcome Shabbat at 6:15pm. This service is designed for...
Come catch up, eat lunch together, and discuss a different topic each week on Shabbat! For Zoom link, click here to register