Religious School Parent Page
If you are a registered parent in the East End Temple Religious School, CLICK HERE for all school links, calendar, and more.

An integral and lively component of East End Temple, the Religious School provides a warm and inclusive community of teachers, students and families. It is a place for children to expand their minds, their hearts, and their understanding of the world around them within the context of an open, progressive Jewish environment.
Our curriculum places focus on Jewish experience, as opposed to just content. We instill a love of Judaism, build strong Jewish identity, and teach our students the skills and knowledge for a full Jewish life.
We ask: What are Jewish values and how do we live by them? We come together as a community to celebrate holidays and Shabbat, take part in important customs and traditions— but also work for social justice, cultivate an inquisitive mind, and become active members of the Jewish community and responsible, ethical citizens of the world.

EET’s Religious School students attend once a week. We engage students in Jewish curriculum topics ranging from Torah, holidays, mitzvot, Jewish values and Jewish history through varied activities such as drama, arts and crafts, technology, and debate.
At the beginning of our afternoon together, we gather in the sanctuary for t’filah (prayer), which parents, family and friends are welcome to join. T’filah is led by our clergy or songleader, and students participate throughout the service. T’filah allows our students to gain comfort with the language, order, and command of the prayers while forming a connection to their meaning.
Hebrew is taught with the primary objective of reading fluency. We teach the students the skills they need to prepare for their bet mitzvah. Hebrew learning is individualized and self-paced in 3rd through 6th grade.
Each grade meets once a week. For days and times, please contact Director of Congregational Learning Mindy Sherry (
East End Temple’s Religious School is open to synagogue members. For more information about membership, please see our Welcome page. For tuition information, click here.
Students and their families are encouraged to engage in Jewish learning and living throughout the year. Gatherings such as Shabbat B’Yachad: Intergenerational Shabbat, Simchat Shabbat, holiday celebrations, and tzedakah (charity/justice) programs provide fun and enriching occasions to come together in answering the question: What does it mean to live a Jewish life?
Please see our EET Religious School Curriculum for more detailed information by grade. If you would like someone to be in touch, please fill out our Interest Form.
We love to welcome new families and new students to our Religious School! If you would like to discuss further details of the program with our Director of Congregational Learning Mindy Sherry, you can reach her at