East End Temple Sisterhood is an organization of diverse intergenerational women committed to mobilizing and supporting the life of the temple and the community.
Click to learn about their rich support.
East End Temple Sisterhood is an organization of diverse intergenerational women committed to mobilizing and supporting the life of the temple and the community.
Click to learn about their rich support.
The EET [genXY] Group is a way for members and friends of East End Temple who are part of Generation X or Y to connect, network and have fun. EET is a downtown Reform congregation reflecting the best of Jewish community life in New York.
Click here to access your member login. In your member portal, you can: update your contact, membership and child information enroll your child for religious school pay membership and tuition donate to East End Temple Click here for New Membership Application. Click here for Membership Rate, Tuition and Fees form. Click here For Pastoral Care.
Our mission is to cultivate relevant Jewish life through connected community. We seek to expand avenues into Torah (Jewish learning and practice), God (all forms of spiritual connection) and the Jewish people (locally and globally) to help one another live lives of meaning. We do this through: Our Diversity: Betzelem Elohim, In the Image of God We welcome all in the Jewish community: young and old; single, partnered and married; LGBT and straight; interfaith families; Jewish-born or converted; those with and without mental and physical disabilities; financially struggling or well-off. If you choose us, we choose you. Our Accessibility: My House Shall be a House of Prayer for All People We encourage full participation, enfranchisement and leadership through education and…
Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for “world repair”) has come to connote social action and the pursuit of social justice. Highlights Interfaith support and collaboration with Middle Collegiate Church, one of the oldest continuous Protestant churches in North America, following a devastating fire Sisterhood's Food For Families fed thousands of hungry New Yorkers Engaged in Keshet training to improve equality of the LGBTQIA+ community Provided direct assistance to 208 asylum-seeking families in Chinatown Signed on to multiple amicus briefs Volunteer Opportunities EET Eastside Schleppers, a volunteer apartment set-up team, works with Ruth's Refuge to move donated household items, including furniture, for the newest New Yorkers. For more information, email info@eastendtemple.org. Team TLC-NYC is a grassroots organization providing basic needs and support to…
Welcome Cantor Olivia Brodsky! Growing up, Cantor Brodsky was touched by liturgical music and recognized it as an accessible and powerful means of connecting with her heritage and community. She believes strongly in the transcendent nature of music, and its unparalleled ability to both convey and evoke emotion and spirituality. Influenced by the musical styles of both Reform and Conservative cantors, as well as her background in both Musical Theatre and Classical music, Cantor Brodsky recognizes that the musical preferences of our community are as diverse as the people of whom it is composed. Cantor Brodsky makes a concerted effort to keep the music of Shabbat and Holiday services eclectic, participatory, and engaging. With a combination of folk, contemporary, classical…
Worship At EET Please see our Calendar for frequent updates on services and other programming. High Holy Days Shabbat Services Fridays at 6:15 pm Click here to find out more Select Saturdays at 10:00 am (Please check our calendar) Live Streaming (from our Sanctuary during services) The intimate and inviting nature of East End Temple worship, set within a charming townhouse, is home to many seeking a traditional but approachable Reform Judaism service. At East End Temple, we embrace song and music as an essential piece of a truly spirited Reform Judaism experience. Services are in a mixture of Hebrew and English. Live Streaming Tune in to our Shabbat worship live from NYC Music Never miss a harmony, listen to our…
Watch this space for upcoming events!
Religious School Parent PageIf you are a registered parent in the East End Temple Religious School, CLICK HERE for all school links, calendar, and more. WHO WE ARE An integral and lively component of East End Temple, the Religious School provides a warm and inclusive community of teachers, students and families. It is a place for children to expand their minds, their hearts, and their understanding of the world around them within the context of an open, progressive Jewish environment. Our curriculum places focus on Jewish experience, as opposed to just content. We instill a love of Judaism, build strong Jewish identity, and teach our students the skills and knowledge for a full Jewish life. We ask: What are Jewish values…
Join Us in Worship See our Calendar for upcoming dates of our services. Shabbat at East End Temple is a celebration of community and spirit. We gather in our beautiful sanctuary for a reflective and uplifting musical prayer service. Our regular Kabbalat Shabbat service takes place every Friday night at 6:15 pm, and is about one hour and fifteen minutes long. Using Mishkan T’filah, the Union for Reform Judaism’s current prayer book, our service weaves a combination of Hebrew and English prayers and modern and traditional melodies. Come join us in welcoming Shabbat at our elevating and inspiring service. All are welcome. Shabbat Services in our Sanctuary Fridays at 6:15pm All are welcome to join us in person as we welcome Shabbat. For online…
You Belong Here The more than 600 people who sit, dance, study, serve and otherwise move through our congregation each day include interfaith families, women whose husbands fought in World War II, newborns, LGBTQIA+ singles and couples, BIPOC members, Jews by choice, Jews who pray in Hebrew, and Jews who prefer English. Our original members founded the congregation in 1948. Our members live on our block, on the Lower East and Upper West Side, and in Brooklyn, Queens, and Westchester. Some folks who live as far away as California and Arizona remain members to join us remotely for worship. We sing several songs together, including original compositions, in a typical Shabbat service. Our cantor believes strongly in the transcendent nature…
If you would like more information about becoming a member, please submit this Membership Information Form, and a representative of our membership team will be in touch. EAST END TEMPLE 245 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-477-6444 info@eastendtemple.org CLERGY Rabbi Josh Stanton: jstanton@eastendtemple.org Cantor Olivia Brodsky: obrodsky@eastendtemple.org STAFF Sharon Shemesh, Temple Administrator: sharon@eastendtemple.org Mindy Sherry, RJE, Director of Congregational Learning: educator@eastendtemple.org Elyssa Mosbacher, Assistant Temple Administrator: info@eastendtemple.org LEADERSHIP Rebecca Shore, Co-President: rebecca@eastendtemple.org Brian Lifsec, Co-President: info@eastendtemple.org Sisterhood Leader Liaison Suellen Eshed: sisterhood@eastendtemple.org Men's Club President Patrick Roger-Gordon: mensclub@eastendtemple.org We are a part of Community Board Six
Family Offerings “The Best Kid-Friendly Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Celebrations in New York” Our High Holy Days are filled with an abundance of joy, reflection, and connection. We worship in person and online, creating a sense of shared time and purpose. All are welcome to join our High Holy Day family services and programs free of charge -- advance registration is required. All services and programs will take place at Hebrew Union College, 1 West 4th Street -- see registration form for full schedule. YOUNG FAMILY SERVICE (ages 0-5) Led by TkiyaA lively yet intimate service conducted in a sing-a-long format, geared towards families with children ages 0-5. Tots and their parents join together in celebrating the holidays with…
Teen Life at East End Temple East End Temple’s teen program (Youth Group) offers teens the opportunity to take a break from the intensity of life through social programs, community service, and trips. In both our Youth Group (for students grades 9-12) and Junior Youth Group (for students grades 7-8), teens meet weekly and work their way through a curriculum they design. Past topics have included Jewish Holidays, Jewish History, Life’s Big Questions, and current events through a Jewish lens. In addition to learning, in both Youth Group and Junior Youth Group, teens build a strong social community though holiday celebrations, trips, and bonding opportunities. Please email youth@eastendtemple.org to learn more about our upcoming programs or to connect with our youth director. If you would like to…
The rabbi and cantor are proud to work with many individuals toward conversion to Judaism. The Jewish community in the United States grows ever more diverse, and one way people without a Jewish background join the community is through conversion. The cantor and rabbi meet with students for conversion individually to guide them through Jewish learning, living, and spiritual reflection. Students also participate in an appropriate Introduction to Judaism class. At the end of their process, usually lasting about a year, students meet with a bet din (a rabbinical court), are immersed in the mikvah, and are given a blessing in front of our community celebrating their new status as Jews. The EET community is proud to have so many…
Enjoy our newsletter, Templet. Stay up to date on the latest events, activities and stories at East End Temple. You can download earlier editions of Templet by clicking the links below. (Newer editions of Templet are fully digital and are emailed to our members.) May-June 2024 Templet March-April 2024 Templet January-February 2024 Templet November-December 2023 Templet September-October 2023 Templet May-June 2023 Templet March-April 2023 Templet January-February 2023 Templet November-December 2022 Templet September-October 2022 Templet
Introduction to Judaism (2024-2025) This class, taught by Asst. Dir. of Congregational Learning Tehilah Eisenstadt and Rabbi Josh Stanton, welcomes all who are interested in learning more about Jewish tradition and wisdom. In approx. 28 sessions, it will provide the basis for further learning or a Jewish life. Sessions will take place online from 12:00-1:00pm on Tuesdays: Sept. 10, 17, 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Nov. 12, 19, 26; Dec. 3, 10, 17; Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28; Feb. 4, 11, 25; Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25; Apr. 1, 8, 22. Interfaith couples, people of all faiths exploring Judaism or conversion to Judaism, and those seeking a deeper connection to Judaism are all welcome. ALL SESSIONS OF THIS…
Giving to East End Temple We are grateful for your support. Tzedakah, or charity, fulfills some of Judaism's strongest traditions. It also powers the activities and well-being of East End Temple. You may make a contribution in honor of a person or an event, in memory of someone, or just because you care about the EET community. HOW TO GIVE Click on the following links for convenient ways to support East End Temple: Members, please click here. If you would like to contribute by check, please mail to: East End Temple, 245 E. 17th St., New York, NY, 10003, or to East End Temple, P.O. Box 418, Montvale, NJ 07645. Please note the fund on the memo line. Guests, please click here to…
Frequently Asked Questions Why Now? During most of our 75-year history, East End Temple relied on fixed dues categories, allowing for individual adjustments as needed. In 2019, East End Temple piloted a new membership model for better alignment with our core values of diversity, accessibility, and appreciation of all giving and receiving. This is what we are calling Community Commitment Membership. Since launching our new membership structure, new members have joined without financial burden; we are so pleased that it has been successful! What is Community Commitment Membership? All members of East End Temple determine their own financial commitments for membership. We ask each new member to consider the sustaining amount of $2,200 per adult as a benchmark (this amount…
Have gently used or new medical supplies to donate? EET is a drop-off location for the AFYA Foundation! Monday-Friday 10:00am-2:00pm AFYA collects and delivers critically needed medical supplies, hospital equipment, and humanitarian provisions for acute and ongoing health crisis worldwide. Click here to learn more about the AFYA foundation and to view the supplies that they accept. AFYA does NOT accept: Books Broken machinery Clothing of any kind Commodes or bath chairs Electric wheelchairs Expired goods out of original packaging Expired liquids Food (will take formula with an expiration date of at least 1 year in the future) Hoyer lifts Oxygen tanks Shoes/footwear
Brit Olam translates to ‘covenant with our world.’ The Brit Olam reminds us of the words from Pirkei Avot: “Study alone is not enough, our tradition demands action." Click here to learn more.
Get Ten Minutes of Torah a day Visit ReformJudaism.org/Ten to subscribe.
Ongoing in the Social HallLetters to Sala: A Young Woman's Life in Nazi Labor Camps. To learn more, watch our Yom Hashoah Commemoration on YouTube.
Join us for holidays when you can, and in the event you cannot, here are some resources for you to celebrate the holiday at home or wherever you are. SHABBAT - When most people think of holidays, they think of annual celebrations, but in Judaism there is one holiday that occurs every week - the Sabbath. Known in Hebrew as Shabbat and in Yiddish as Shabbos, this holiday is central to Jewish Life. As the great Jewish writer Adad Ha-Am has observed: "More than the Jewish people has kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jewish people." The Sabbath truly has been a unifying force for Jews the world over. Click here for more. ROSH HASHANAH - (literally, "Head of the Year") is the Jewish New Year,…
Click here to listen to Cantor Shira Ginsburg's CD, A New Light, which is also available to pick up at EET for free.
East End Temple, Congregation El Emet, was founded in 1948 by a group of World War II veterans and their families. East End Temple’s mission is to offer resources and support for living meaningful lives in a Jewish way. Our clergy, our staff, our members, and our children, create rich spiritual, communal, and educational experiences. Led by Rabbi Josh Stanton and Cantor Olivia Brodsky, Direction of Education Mindy Sherry, RJE, and Co-Presidents Rebecca Shore and Brian Lifsec, we are large enough to have a diverse membership and small enough to extend a warm welcome to everyone. Explore the opportunities for Jewish expression and personal connections that are the best of East End Temple. Our downtown Reform congregation reflects the…
Read our East End Temple Brit for a Respectful Community Why we are EETOur mission is to cultivate relevant Jewish life through connected community. We seek to expand avenues into Torah (Jewish learning and practice), God (all forms of spiritual connection) and the Jewish people (locally and globally) to help one another live lives of meaning. We are committed to the safety and vitality of the Jewish people and to a secure and just State of Israel as a home – for all Jews and for all its inhabitants. How we are EETOur Diversity: In the Image of God We welcome all in the Jewish community: young and old; single, partnered and married; LGBTQIA+ and straight; BIPOC; interfaith families; Jewish-born…
Clergy Our Rabbi Rabbi Joshua Stanton puts Jewish learning, pastoral care, and social justice first. He loves connecting with people individually and supporting their spiritual journeys and pursuit of meaning. Rabbi Stanton’s passion for religious pluralism and interfaith dialogue has led to his involvement and leadership internationally. He serves as an Associate Vice President for Interfaith and Intergroup Initiatives of the Jewish Federations of North America and on the Board of Governors of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations, which presides over Jewish-Christian relations with the Vatican and World Council of Churches. You may have already seen Rabbi Stanton on CNN or in a documentary film, or read about him in syndicated media, publications, and articles that have appeared in a dozen languages. Rabbi Stanton was ordained from Hebrew Union College…
Co-Presidents: Rebecca Shore, Brian Lifsec Vice Presidents: Lisa Goldenberg Corn, Joy Newman, Andrea Pincus, Tom Polton, Amy Saivetz Treasurer: Tom Summer Secretary: Stacy Roger-Gordon Trustees: Fletcher Eshbaugh Karen Feuer Seth Ginsberg Elaine Lavine Julie Livingston Jennifer Corker Rozany Lily Thrope Peter Walker Elizabeth Weisser Sisterhood Leader Liaison: Fern Stampleman Men's Club Representative: Patrick Roger-Gordon Read the East End Temple Bylaws
Our High Holy Days are filled with an abundance of joy, reflection, and connection. We worship in person and online, creating a sense of shared time and purpose. Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Cantor Olivia Brodsky, and award-winning musicians enliven our spirits and open our minds. We have programs for people of all ages and interests, including some of “The Best Kid-Friendly Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Celebrations in New York.” For more information about our Young Family, Family, and Teen services and programs during the High Holy Days, please click here. Kol Nidrei Appeal -- Click here to contribute. We are always grateful for your generous support, so we can continue our sacred work as a community. In fact, the annual…
East End Temple stands in solidarity with Jewish groups targeted in acts of anti-Semitism. We pray for the fulfillment of the vision of the prophets that "each person shall sit under their vine and under their fig tree and no one shall make them afraid.” (Micah 4:4) Please visit the Anti-Defamation League web site, below, for reliable and up-to-the-minute information. And please be in touch with Rabbi Stanton or Cantor Ginsburg to discuss personal concerns. https://www.adl.org/
Join us in worship live from New York City! Fridays at 6:15pm, holidays, and select Saturday mornings. The stream will appear below, and it will start about 5 minutes before the service/program begins. [See our Calendar for upcoming dates of services and other programs.]
A jewel of the temple, our library houses an extensive collection from which temple members may browse and borrow. The breadth of the collection includes Jewish history, politics, liturgy, Holocaust, fiction, nonfiction, biography, Jewish feminism, life cycle events, holidays, and Jewish cookbooks. Use our Library Thing database to search for specific titles. Click here to check it out today. 11th Annual "Help Our Library Grow" Initiative Our 11th annual Help Our Library Grow Initiative is underway. We have ordered a variety of recently published books that are on display in our Helene Spring Library. We hope members will continue their tradition of donating book/s of their choice. All books will have member’s name and in honor of/memory of inscribed on…
Join the Cantor and sing your heart out at Shira with Shira. No singing or sight reading experience necessary.