In Autumn of 2024, we enjoyed numerous events such as Game Night, movies, and a walking tour! The Men’s Club first movie program this year was the Mel Brook’s Film Festival. We viewed multiple movie segments, discussed, and had brunch during a Saturday morning. Our next movies are in January and March. On Christmas we’ll do what most Jewish people do… go eat Dim Sum in Chinatown! In the spring the Men’s Club will get together with the Sisterhood for a museum tour and picnic.
One of my favorite programs is our walking tours. We hire our own guide who goes deeper than the “tourist” level, since we’re city residents. Last year’s tours were of the Lower East Side and Greenwich Village. In November we went to Chinatown! This spring we’re going beyond downtown Manhattan to Brooklyn, to view street art and murals in Bushwick.
The Chanukah gift bag/boxes and Mishloach Manot (Purim) are an East End Temple tradition, and Men’s Club packages and delivers them to EET members.
I’m inviting all Men’s Club members to come join our monthly meetings. We discuss and plan programming. The Men’s Club is also here to assist EET and the community in many ways. Help us set these goals! Looking forward to seeing many of the EET community at our events.
Any questions or ideas can be emailed to
2024-2025 Programs
Monthly meetings at 6:30pm (in person and via Zoom): Jan. 8, Feb. 12, March 12, April 9, May 7, June 11
- For Zoom link, click here to register
Movie Brunch #2
Saturday, January 11, 10:30am-12:30pm (in person)
Join us for brunch, a movie (“Defiance”) and discussion.
Game Night #2
Thursday, February 6 at 6:30pm (in person)
More fun and games with Men’s Club!
Movie Brunch #3
Saturday, March 1, 10:30am-12:30pm (in person)
Join us for brunch, a movie (TBD) and discussion.
3rd Annual Hamantaschen Contest
Friday, March 14 after Shabbat services
May the most delicious hamantaschen win! Contestants home-bake their own. Anyone who shows up tries every entry and votes for the best. Prizes and calories. Let us know if you are baking (
Docent-Led Tour of the Museum of Jewish Heritage
Sunday, March 23 at 11:15am
Co-sponsored by the EET Men’s Club and the Sisterhood of East End Temple. Join family and friends for a guided tour of the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York’s contribution to the global responsibility to never forget. The Museum is committed to the crucial mission of educating diverse visitors about Jewish life before, during, and after the Holocaust. Our tour will include the exhibits “What Hate Can Do” and “Courage to Act.” Limited spots available and, to comply with security measures, advance sign-up is required by February 18, 2025. $25 per adult / $15 for children (age 12 and up).
Pillows for Passover
Thursday, April 10 at 6:30pm (in person)
Create a personalized pillow to recline on at your seder! Patrick and Faye will bring their sewing machines to help you design your own pillow! RSVP to
Dad’s Night Out
Thursday April 24 at 6:30pm
~ at Seven Sins Bar, 293 3rd Avenue (& 23rd St.) ~
Men’s Club invites the Religious School dads to Seven Sins for drinks & appetizers.
Red Wine Tasting and Reception
Saturday Apr. 26 from 4:30-6:30pm, must be age 21+
Who said wine tasting is not a spectator sport? Do you think you have the best bottle of red wine which costs under $20 dollars? Are you willing to put it to the ultimate test — the judges at EET?
We are seeking up to six contestants for a wine tasting. We are also inviting people 21 or older to witness this train wreck of a wine tasting and to enjoy different wines at a reception with cheeses, breads, crackers, fruit and nuts supplied by the Men’s Club.
Contestants attend free of charge except for the cost of a bottle of wine. The cost for the wine reception, including wine and food is $20. Prizes will be awarded for the best wines as judged blindly by four judges with absolutely no qualifications. For complete details and to sign up, please contact Peter Walker at
Spring Picnic with the Sisterhood of East End Temple
Sunday, May 4 at 11:00am
More details coming soon!
Spring Walking Tour — Bushwick, Brooklyn
Sunday, May 18, 12:00-1:30pm, followed by lunch
This Brooklyn neighborhood is known for the artists’ street art and murals. Meet at Jefferson St. subway station (L-line). $20/adult, $12 children. RSVP to
Israel Day Parade
Sunday, June 1 from 11:30am-4:00pm
Join our EET delegation to march in the parade.